Help / FAQ: Using HCIN Learn


5.9. I paid, but did not get enrolled!

HCIN Learn uses PayPal to process payment of enrollment fees. When you select a course, the gray button on the "Enrollment options" page directs you to the PayPal site. Once the transaction is completed, you should be redirected back to HCIN Learn, and you should land in the Course Start Page to begin the coursework.

On rare occasions, users go through the transaction at PayPal, and when they land back at HCIN Learn, they get an alertbox saying

"Thank you for your payment! Unfortunately your payment has not yet been fully processed, and you are not yet registered to enter the course..." 

This annoying message means that PayPal failed to send the required "Instant Payment Notification" to HCIN Learn to confirm that the payment was received.

We sincerely apologize for this nuisance. Please take these steps:

  1. Wait 10 minutes, then re-enter the course and see if it permits you to start working. If not:
  2. Check to make sure your payment went through You should have a receipt from PayPal (if you used someone else's PayPal account, that person will get the receipt)
  3. Contact and provide
    • Your name and HCIN Learn username;
    • The name of the PayPal account holder, if different than your own;
    • The course title you are enrolling in.

We will enroll you manually and notify you that you can begin working.